Tips for Parents

Child Safety

JKCS suggests the following precautionary measures for parents and their children. Parents are urged to have frank discussions with their children about the following:

  1. Teach your children regardless of age, their full name, your full name, their address and phone number.
  2. Explain the dangers of being abducted and / or molested.
  3. Explain that private parts of their body should not be touched by anyone, and if that it happens, to report it immediately.
  4. Emphasize the importance of staying close to parents, relative or friend when away from home.
  5. Explain the importance of noticing and remembering, identifying characteristics of strangers, and unusual marks. Also stress the importance of remembering the vehicle description, such as colour, size and licence plate number.
  6. Stress the importance of protesting and running away if a stranger tries to take away your child / children somewhere.
  7. Never accept candy, money, or gifts from strangers.
  8. Never get into a car or on bike with a stranger. If a stranger asks for directions, be polite but do not go near the vehicle. If a stranger gets out of his / her vehicle run away immediately.
  9. Parents should occasionally accompany their child / children to school and monitor the area they are travelling.
  10. Parents should know who their child / children normally walk / go to school with and the route they normally take.

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